Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Family Communication Part I – Meal Time Conversation

How often do you communicate as a family?
Every day you say?
How much of that communication is planned?  How much of it is on the fly? How much of it is positive? 

One ongoing opportunity for positive communication in families presents itself every day – meal time. As parents, we have to decide that sitting down to a meal as a family is important and then make sure to do it most days of the week.

A time-tested way to get the conversation going  is to have everyone share something about their day during dinner time.  Be careful not to ask children questions that can be answered with a single word – like the infamous, “What did you do at school today?”  This is most often answered with a resounding, “Nothing.”

Try using statements instead of asking questions.  Some examples that have worked for me include:

·         Tell me something funny that happened at school today.
·         Tell me something that surprised you at school today.
·         Share a new word you heard or learned this week.
·         Share something interesting that happened after school.
·         Today at work, a lot of us had on blue shirts. Has this ever happened to you? What color   were most of the kids at school wearing today?

You can also start out by sharing something from your day.  This provides a good example for kids and will get them to thinking, talking and yes, interrupting.  You can decide how you want to handle the interruption.  (We'll talk about teaching children to wait their turn in another post.)

However your family meal conversations happen, it’s important to purposely plan eating together as a family without technological interference - no cellphones, computers or television. Conversation at family meals is an affirmation of family love and creates memories which will be treasured forever.

- Candelaria Silva-Collins

Note: This week is an important time of extended family meals because of Passover, which begins tonight, and Easter on Sunday. It is also school vacation week in Boston. We at Parent411 hope you and your family enjoy these holidays.